We'd like to introduce Coalition Member Group Friends Who March!
Friends Who March is an Activist group from Chicagoland founded after the Women’s March by Jax West. Their primary purpose? #GetActiveAndTakeAction! FWM take to the streets to support Choice, Immigrants, Criminal Justice Reform, Wrongfully Accused, LGBT rights because everyone should be free to live as they wish.
While clinic escorting during 40 Days for Life, Jax made a gigantic pair of pink angel wings to block the signs of 40 Days for Life harassers from clients...and a new subgroup, the “Pink Angels,” was born.
The Pink Angels have done a variety of actions to stand for Choice. They have worked as Escorts at various clinics. Stood in silence as Handmaids. Silently stood at a train station for a Pink Chill in support of Planned Parenthood. Chalked sidewalk messages at night in front of clinics, in anticipation of morning protesters. They also call and review fake clinics.
The Pink Angels have a BIG BAD in their midst. State Representative Peter Breen aka Rep. Baby Parts, represents FWM’s district. Rep. Peter Breen is with the Thomas Moore Society & is THE lawyer for the lyin’ anti’s who made the fake Planned Parenthood Baby Parts videos. Breen is with Knights of Columbus, funders of a local deceptive fake clinic that opened up next door to a real provider. The Pink Angels would love your involvement in an October Action at the fake clinic.
Recently Friends Who March went north to meet up with Abortion Access Front to take part in their fake clinic action in Milwaukee. It was a blast! FWM are huge supporters of everything AAF does.
We invite folks to join us! It’s your body. It’s your choice. Fight for it.
Upcoming Events:
Fake Clinic Action in October/Early November: Email FriendsWhoMarch@gmail.com if you have an idea or would like to be involved in our SHEnanigans.
Join FWM at our Red Carpet Viewing Party of their 2018 Golden Probe Awards that will be on October 20th. October 20th Viewing Party of the Golden Probe Awards Friends Who March is going all out for this one. There will even be a Fashion Police team there to talk to people as they enter the event and then discuss all the outfits at the after show.
Follow on Social Media!
Friends Who March
Twitter @FriendsWhoMarch
The Pink Angels