
Post originally published at

Mother’s Day is in 4 days y’all. If you want to quickly go panic buy a 2-day shipping gift on Amazon we’ll wait!

(If you’re not finding anything good may we suggest donating to the Black Mamas Bail Out)

OK now that we have your attention back, let’s talk abortion! Abortion is an important part of family planning. Even people who want to be mothers some day could maybe not be ready TODAY to be a mother. And as “Abortion AMA” author Danielle Campoamor wrote this week “If you looked at my life on paper, you might very well wonder why this news is a big deal to me. I have a life in New York City, a 3-year-old son, a current, wanted, planned pregnancy, a rewarding relationship and my mental health. But I have these things because of the abortion I was legally, safely and affordably able to procure at age 23.”

In honor of the vital role that abortion plays in family planning, what better time to show some love to your local clinic than Mother’s Day. You know the anti-choicers will be writing some nonsense pieces about how motherhood is a gift you can never, ever complain about you bad, bad ladies. So fight back and consider leaving a review for a REAL ABORTION CLINIC this week! Here’s how it’s done and why it’s so important:

What can you do?

By reviewing the real abortion clinics with positive reviews or elevating positive reviews from others by “Liking” them, we can show the abortion clinics just how much they are appreciated and needed. And maybe, make it a little easier for patients to seek out caring professionals without being bullied or guilted by religious zealots.  

How to review:

  1. Pick a site. Facebook, Google and Yelp! all have clinics with reviews. Keep in mind that if you don’t have a ‘Yelp!’ account, your reviews only show up after you’ve reviewed several businesses.

  2. Find a clinic that you’ve visited or one near you but make sure it’s a real abortion clinic! There are more than four times as many fake clinics or ‘Crisis Pregnancy Centers’ out there whose entire practice is only a subterfuge used to scare patients from getting an abortion. To avoid being tricked go to:

  3. Find your REAL abortion clinic and give them a review. If you don’t have one that you’ve been to, check out their website and see what they have to offer that others might find useful (i.e. friendly staff, offer options and choice, offers services for the LGBTQ community, etc)

  4. We don’t want you to lie about anything so if you haven’t been to one or aren’t comfortable leaving your name, you can still help bring up other positive posts by ‘Liking’ them on Facebook, giving a ‘thumbs up’ on Google or finding ‘useful’ on Yelp! All of these will help bring positive reviews closer to the top.

  5. Tell anyone that’s been to a clinic to do the same!