Holy moly! So. many. people. turned out during the #ExposeFakeClinics October Week of Action! More than ONE HUNDRED groups on college campuses across the country signed up to lead creative direct actions at fake clinics, and incredible activists in more than SEVENTY towns and cities in THIRTY-SIX states signed up to lead fake clinic Review-A-Thons to call out fake clinics online.
The 1 in 3 Campaign even sent these super cool banners to all of the campuses for their actions!
Lehman College Feminists kicking ass and taking names in the Bronx, NY.
Members of the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley chapter of URGE don't mess around. They've even been organizing with a petition to their governor to defund fake clincs. Heck yes.
And off campus, Abortion Access Force dedicated their annual V to Shining V Week of Action entirely to #ExposeFakeClinics, resulting in nearly 1,000 CPC reviews!
NYC turned its Review-A-Thon into a team competition, leading to 148 reviews written—covering ALL of the CPCs in New York State!
Feminist Flag Corps in Columbus, Ohio had fun with Eunice P. Justice, America's uterus, while they reviewed fake clinics online.
The week closed out with some very exciting news out of Hartford, CT. Thanks to the tireless work of advocates at NARAL Pro-Choice CT and the Hartford GYN Center, a citywide ordinance was introduced that will require fake clinics to disclose whether staff members have medical licenses, AND it would ban them from engaging in false or deceptive advertising practices. BAM!
We'll keep you updated on their efforts right here. Keep up the incredible work!